Saturday, April 26, 2008

HOLA everyone

So, there's this new Coati here that is a rescue and will hopefully find his forever home soon. He's this veryyyy big blonde, red thing. His name is Coatie and he's nice. He is shy though. He has spent all of his 3yrs in a ferret cage and around 2 people and a poodle. Coatie isn't quite sure of all of us and the dogs we live with. The Doc tried to explain he will be ok. here is Coatie Lee.

Later guys.



Matzo said...

What a gorgeous coati!! Wish I could care for and give a forever home to such a beautiful sweet critter. Keep up the good work Logan and Doc!

Help Your Native Wildlife!

Anonymous said...

Thanks matzo. You have your hands fullllllll with all those Coonies; so, you are doing your part too.

Anonymous said...

Logan hasn't updated his blog in a long time...I hope he is doing heart aches for these little critters that are forced by nature (and by us humans) to go thru so much. Tim in Albany, NY